Saturday, October 20, 2018

Geekly Daily 8 (Saturday, October 20): My last day on the job!

Now playing: Pokemon Yellow (3DS)

Now Watching: Catching up on DVR
Now Listening: Afterbuzz TV Aftershows
Now Reading: 

Still working my way through my DVR. You know, when I took 3 (4ish) days to binge my writing and write 40 fantastic pages. Some of my best work. Still can't wait to release it. As for my DVR, I can't watch through 20 hours just with a snap, you know. So keep in mind things below are behind. The list will still reset on... was it saturday or sunday? One or the other, we'll see. I'll try to mark new things to the rankings in blue. We'll see how that goes.

Also I lost Geekly Daily 7. It was my own stupidity. In my defense I'm tired and haven't slept yet. Nights are fun. Tonight is my last shift ever. At that place. THen I'll work nights at a different place. Man I wish I could just write for a living. I'd do anything. If Suddenly 2000 people joined my patreon, and each gave me a dollar a month, I'd quit my job, and just write full time. New chapter every 2 week. Maybe even more often than that. That would be the dream.

Or being asked to write for a comic book, or TV show. Obv-y one of those would be the dream too. Writing for Marvel, or Netflix. Man, I'd do anything. I just wanna write.

I promise tomorrow morning I'll jump on twitch and read a new chapter of Suburban Fantasy for my podcast. Also if you have any suggestions of things you want me to tackle, or change, or do differently, or do more of, or whatever. You can comment here, or @ me @AndrewGeczy or become a subscriber at I literally allow my subscribers to name people and places, or give their opinions so as to manipulate the story as it's being written. Be a part of the fun, don't just read along! Even if you don't care about my fiction, I'd welcome advice on improving my blog or podcast or twitch streams.

Oh, and sorry that the formatting is generally all over the place. Random line spaces here, taking away the line spacing there, it's all the site being completely random. I'll save it being perfect, and then while saving the site will just fuck it up for no reason.

ANyway, not writing this on a bus for once, but I have to go catch said bus so Live long and Prosper my friends. My last shift at Tim Hortons awaits. hopefully I can make it through alive.

Geekly Weekly TV Rankings:
  1. South Park *****
    I thought the last couple episodes were speaking my language, and then this episode was about weed!!! About Randy becoming a weed farmer! And there was a B plot involving nicotine addiction. I feel like Matt and Trey are living my life. And then Towelie showed up! And he was amazing! I hope he becomes a regular. I could totally see him being a helping hand on the farm, under Randy's employ as he continues growing his weed. Have I mentioned I love South Park so much. To quote Towelie from this episode, "This is some good shit."
  2. Shameless ***** Great episode. I wasn't a huge fan of the Fiona subplot, another repeat of the usual. Fiona makes a big mistake. Goes to tell Ford she was wrong and he was right... and oh shit turns out Pattie wasn't his mother. Awesome bluff though. Great power play, mind game crap that you pulled on her. But these of course are the dreamy guys most women fall for. Ugh. Poor Fiona. Her whole life is falling apart. In other news, I loved Lips story this episode. I like Kev and V's subplot. It was all good stuff. Carl's new girlfriend is pretty awesome. Frank's storyline is meh, but it always is. I wonder how much worse things will get for Fiona.
  3. The Flash ****1/2
    I'm loving this show so much this season. It's been a lot of fun, I love XS, and she brings a lot of heart. The only thing I'm not too keen on right now is the season villain. That stupid lightning bolt dagger is wonky and silly, and I don't really know what they're trying to do but it's not working. Dammit, I just talked myself down from a 5 star. It didn't get in the way of my enjoyment of the episode. If you don't watch the CW shows... you're not a real superhero fan. All the ways DC has fumbled their movie universe, Berlanti has been doing on TV this whole time what Marvel's been doing with their movies. And Berlanti does it with 22 episodes a year, and barely a million an episode. He's a fucking god, and these shows are amazing. Worth watching, and worth watching all together as a bunch in broadcast order. Like you would the Marvel movies, obv. There's a big crossover every year, and this one could be the best yet.
  4. American Horror Story ****1/2
    Amazing episode. Like many other 4 and a half stars on here, it was really just brought down by one weakness. In the case of AHS, it was all the strange closure they tried to give us for characters. I understand Tate and miss cuteness.  But that was forced. But what really just had me scratching my head was the side story about the maid. And then they spent considerable amount of time with her mother, and then they walked away together. It was so bizzare. And not scary, not creepy, not weird. Well yeah, it was weird, but not in an unsettling way. Just in a, "why did they think this needed to be told?" kinda way.
  5. Supergirl ****1/2
    A great premiere for Supergirl. I wasn't too into her sister's storyline, but I love Braniac, and thought he was a great addition to the show. It was fun watching SUpergirl be on her game, but it was weird having Manhunter involved but not interested in fighting. The racism angle was a strong one, playing off of real world issues. WHat if the villains really are just normal people like you and me, but some of us are just cold and racist and classist and evil to the core. Some of us are conservative. How does Supergirl fight conservativism? I almost wanna add an extra star. Okay, a half star.
  6. ZNation ****Good episode last week (New one this week I haven't watched yet). It was nice seeing Red again, nice that she wasn't dating some big black guy. Doc is hilarious as usual. The beginning, with Murphy locked in the trunk of the dude's car, was weird and wrapped up right away. If the guy had the decency to come clean right away, maybe he didn't deserve the reaction Warren gave him? I dunno. This NewMerica stuff is weird. Having talking dead is also weird, and feels wrong. But I like the one guy with the shades, and the girl with the mask is so weird. I like Georgie, I hope she sticks around as a main, though I had a worried thought maybe she'd replace Warren, if Warren wanted off the show. I hope not, I like this cast of characters, but Georgie would make a good addition, just not a substitute.
  7. Doctor Who ****
    Another great introduction of the new Doctor, in another mediocre Doctor Who episode. It was ncie to finally see her Tardis again. I love her, the new Tardis though seemed to dark and ominous for my liking. The crystals are too big and in the way. Matt Smith had the best Tardis IMO. And this one might be the worst. But at least it'll give you a cookie while you're flying, that's pretty cool.
  8. The Good Place ***
    I think I might be the first to call it. This is the worst season so far. That doesn't mean it's bad, but it's definitely not what I'm watching this show for. It still makes me laugh, and the writing is still good, so I dunno what I'm expecting. It does feel like they are just making it up as they go along, but maybe that's part of the fun.
  9. Arrow ***
    The show lost a star just for the line "maybe you should be helping this guy, not hunting him down." Wow, never heard that line before. Which is the episode in a nutshell. Lots of cliches. Seen it all coming. Not Felicity's new look. She looks good. I thought she was gonna die for a sec, and it was pretty wonky how it went from "I'm gonna make you suffer," to "Thank god Argus showed up and saved me off screen." Like what? Yeah, this episode was more mediocrity from Arrow, though I was surprised at the end when the flashback ended up actually being a flash forward. I'd heard interviews where they'd discussed considering doing that, interesting they finally did it.
  10. Titans ***
    the biggest problem with this show is what I like to call the try hard syndrome. It starts with the hard rock Intro, but it bleeds into all of the design. And any one choice alone wouldn't make it such a try hard, but the fact it's a try hard in so many ways. There were some genuinely great things about this chapter though. I know I tripped out at that family of killers. That was just too fun. Also, will Dove live? Didn't seem likely. Intense moment, immediately made ruined by the hard rock end credits. 
  11. The Big Bang Theory **So, that episode wasn't great. There were strange transitions between scenes, where it seemed like they couldn't come up with a clever joke so they just gave up, and it happened everytime, starting right before the opening credits. the plot happens the plot happens. It's not funny. Then Sheldon runs up "Lets go to the gift shop, my girlfriend says I can have one big item or two small items." and then everyone made a face. There was no joke there. No one set it up like "Your friend sheldon seem's so mature" or anything like that. Just, "Hey, we need something funny to happen before the credits, I know we'll have SHeldon run up and act like a child, isn't that what he always does?" The only thing I liked about the episode is they are still doing a better than usual job of depicting Lenard and Penny's relationship. They've really been nailing it, and making them feel like a couple you can believe in. Even if they are usually relegated to the B or C plot.
  12. Saturday Night Live * That was pretty bad. I barely laughed at most the sketches. I'll admit, the best sketches were the digital ones, and the weekend update was pretty cool too. But damn those live sketches were largely painful to watch and just not funny. Also I was short on too,e,and worried I couldn't skip the musical guest cause it's the legend Paul Simon. But hearing one minute of what he brought, made my choice to skip him much easier. 
Geekly Weekly Talk Show Showdown:
  1. Last Week Tonight (Their story on Saudi Arabia was a lot of an eye opener)
  2. Vice News Tonight
  3. The Daily Show
  4. Stephen Colbert 
  5. The Graham Norton Show

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