Monday, March 18, 2019

Geekly Daily 89 (Monday, March 18th):

Now playing: Final Fantasy IV



Geekly Weekly TV Rankings ( for new)(PS: There will be Spoilers)(PPS: I live tweet shows on twitter, but I try to keep those spoiler-lite for the important spoilers @AndrewGeczy)
  1. ➤ The Walking Dead *****Damn that was a good episode again this week. I really didn't want the flashback at first, and was glad yet again when they didn't turn out to be the whole episode. And everything in the modern day was amazing. I just love Judith so much I think I'm gonna start setting of like child pervert alarms. "He keeps saying he loves a like ten year old kid" uh... I just think she's super cool and bad ass and the show should focus on her, and she can like grow up alongside the show. It means no more time skipping, and no recasting or I riot! Time on the show will move exactly as fast as the actress who plays Judith ages. Anyway. SO this show was flying on all cylinders. Even the flashbacks, which bored the crap out of me at first, went in a freaking insane direction where Michonne found herself in Lord of the Flies and the only was she could defend her kids is to kill a whole bunch of other kids. That scene was insane. I'll be honest I teared up a couple times this episode. And it was usually when people were talking about how awesome Judith is. I'm just like "I KNOW RIGHT!"
  2. Star Wars Resistance *****
    Best episode of the show yet. This is kinda what everyone wanted the whole show to be, and it only took the entire season to get there. But it's perhaps being used to the smaller stakes, that having this smaller stakes sort of cast suddenly dealing with higher stake situations was really effecting. Seeing Torra in the cockpit not treating it all like a game was really moving. Seeing all the different elements of the season come together literally brought a tear to my eye, but I've had a rough week so maybe my emotions are all over the place. It was also nice Tam finally made a choice, even if it was the wrong one. That back and forth was driving me crazy. Great finale. Can't wait for season 2. Please tell me Neeku didn't send them too far off course. Oh... what if they find Ezra Bridger!
  3. ➤American Gods ****1/2Loved the stuff with Laura Moon and the leprechaun. Also the history of Shadow Moon, and his backstory with his mother, was an interesting thing to explore. I do still find myself missing the strength of season one though. THis season doesn't reach the heights of the last, and I especially miss the stories we used to get about the old gods. Also everything with Mr. Wednesday and Mr. Nancy were meh. Funny snippets, but no substance and didn't lead anywhere particularly interesting.
  4. ➤ Supergirl ****1/2Awesome episode of Supergirl this week. Parts of it were slow, and Alex's scenes were largely stupid and superfluous and a waste of time, and it's rare that Alex is my least favourite part of an episode, but since she had her memories erased she just hasn't been the same, and her storylines have suffered. Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor was hard to take seriously at first, and that never really changed. But he went from being ridiculous, to being ridiculously kind of awesome, and I'm excited to see where things go from here.
  5. ➤ High Maintenance ****It was a fine episode of High Maintenance. I don't know if the stories it's been telling lately have just been less interesting, or maybe the novelty of the mundane is starting to wear off, but the second half of this season didn't feel as strong as the first half, or especially season one. There were still moments of interest throughout, but it seemed the more the show tried to build a cohesive narrative, the less the product worked as a whole. Here's hoping next season is better. I still think this show is great and important.
  6. Brooklyn Nine Nine ****A Broyles focused episode made this one a bit of a snooze for me, but it was saved by the fun B plot involving Holt and Amy's obsession with bugs and bug experts. And in so doing they creep out Terry who shaves his eyebrows and the bleaches his beard and ends the episode looking like a complete clown. Every aspect of that B story fired on all cylinders, it's too bad I couldn't care less about Broyles.
  7. ➤ Fleabag ****It was a fine episode of the show. I think I had my biggest laugh when she just shattered that award into a thousand pieces. That was hilarious. And replacing it with that statue was ridiculous. I liked the woman who won the award, and I liked Fleabag's attempts at sleepign with the priest. Can he tell when she talks to the camera? Wonder what will come of that? If anything.
Geekly Weekly Talk Show Showdown:
  1. ➤ Last Week Tonight *****
  2. Vice News Tonight ****
  3. Stephen Colbert ***

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