Okay. Way too much TV. Jesus christ. I cannot live a life and keep up on TV. It's not possible. I have to make some cuts. Or perhaps life is making cuts for me. After all, Gotham is coming to an end, Big Bang theory too, I am the Night is a limited series that just ended. Arrow was just announced to be ending. Maybe it's not such the end of the world, but I also feel like, going off this week, I'd totally consider dropping Riverdale and Goldbergs. We'll see how this next week goes.
I tried to record a new podcast episode, but Twitch tripped out and ruined the recording. I'll have to try again sometime new, but it's also about time I started thinking about the new chapter. It's already the ninth and I haven't started yet.
What else? I tackled the new elusive target for Hitman 2. Failed it in all of 6 minutes. I killed her! Again! I haven't failed to kill the target yet. I just can't make it out alive. Which I guess is also very important. For some reason.
For the most part, though, I'm just rushing through Final Fantasy IV. I just finished the area with the dwarves and I'm about to meet Edge. I'll be done in no time, though I was kinda hoping if I pushed it, I could even finish it this weekend, and it definitely didn't go that fast.
Geekly Weekly TV Rankings ( ➤ for new)(PS: There will be Spoilers)(PPS: I live tweet shows on twitter, but I try to keep those spoiler-lite for the important spoilers @AndrewGeczy)
- ➤ Doom Patrol *****
Amazing episode of Doom Patrol this week. This show is only on its third episode, and it's so funny and so weird, and so off the deep end. It's amazing. This show and Deadly Class are without a doubt the two weirdest best shows on TV. There's just too much in this episode that I liked for me to even point things out. So many perfect lines, the comedic timing is just so on point. And the fight scene with Robotman! Oh my god he literally tears a person in half, and then beats another person with the first person's lower torso. That is hard as fuck. This show gets all the glory. This show is god. If you're not watching, there's something wrong with you. Like you don't like fun, or something. I guess the one weakness, IMO, is still Cyborg. Vic had some good moments, but he still looks like he's wearing plastic on his face. Also I guess his father is bipolar? Goes from being like "No you can't have the jet, and how dare you even presume that you could." and then nothing happens between them and his father calls back a day later "I sent you the jet! Silly you, why didn't you think of asking for a jet? You know your dad is always here to bail you out." What! But! Huh???
1x04: Another great episode, worthy of the top spot. Elastic girl has been my least favourite character on this show, but this episode did a lot to change that. She's growing on me, and I really appreciate the family aspect of this group. They're all very flawed but likable people. This show is amazing. Kudos to that blue singing horses head. So weird. - Deadly Class *****I wanted to give this episode the first place spot, but I probably shouldn't. There was much about this episode to be frustrated about. In fact much of this episode was made to frustrate, such as the growing tension between Saya and Maria. But that threesome with Petra? That was all kinds of perfection for all of one second and I would give anything to just live in that second forever. That moment when Petra took of her bra, lay back between them, and the biggest smile drew upon her face. And then they were interrupted and she was done with it. Ugh. Story of my life.
- The Flash *****What? I gave the Flash 5 stars again? What a surprise! I do love the show though. It's just fun. And the fight between Grodd and King Shark was pretty freaking cool. It was also great to have Joe West back. I guess the only one missing this episode was Ralph.Too bad, he missed out on a good episode.I'd probably have more to say but sleep is beckoning... Sorry.
- Fleabag *****
Hilarious episode of Fleabag, back again after who knows how many years. I heard Pheobe Waller Bridge didn't even wanna do a season 2, but after becoming famous and an uber celebrity she was talked into it. I think she's awesome. I definitely admire her, she's one of those all in one packages. A great writer, intelligent, great actor, and beautiful. All in one package? If I had hgalf her talent maybe I wouldn't be living in poverty right now. Sigh. Amazing episode, love when she punched that creep. Hope the sister is done with him forever. - ➤ The Orville ****1/2
Wow. That space battle was insane. That must be the largest space battle we have ever seen on TV. That was Revenge of the Sith level shit. I can't even imagine how expensive it was, but damn it was good. It doesn't really matter about the flaws in this episode or the show in general. When you pull of a space battle that big and that flawlessly, you deserve yourself five stars. Good work, special effects team. If you only watch one episode of this show, do yourself a favor and watch this one. You don't even need the others.
2x10: A decent episode, but nothing amazing. Admittedly I was really not enthusiastic about watching this episode, and yet when I started watching, it really held my attention better than I thought it would, so I have to give it that much at least. - I Am the Night ****1/2
Great finale. I loved the woman who played Fauna Hodel. She did such an amazing job. She was so strong and brave and awesome. It was great seeing her save herself, instead of needing Chris Pine to save her. It was just incredibly disappointing that she dind't kill Hodel. He got to escape and live a good long life, probably killed more people. But hey, at leasts he had absolution I guess. Overall great awesome series, with a ending that only sorta feels bittersweet if you think on it too hard. This mini-series was only 6 episodes, and I'm glad I took the journey. - The Walking Dead ****1/2
Great episode of the show, but this could be another situation where I just hearts some of the characters so freaking much. Like Lydia. I'm all about her struggle, and Henry trying to save her. Everything involving her had me on the edge of my seat. But she wasn't the only young lady who caught my eye. Young little Judith is the coolest badass freaking ever. I heart her so much. Every scene she's in just makes me with the whole show was just about her. I would watch 45 minutes of her just day to day, for 22 episodes, 6 seasons and a movie. When Michonne told her to go to her room and she's just like "Why?" Yes. Yes yes yes. I want more. That's how I would raise my daughter, if I had one. She would be smart, deep thinking, strong willed, she wouldn't let anyone tell her what to do or hold her back. She would be brave, confident, and most importantly know every single day that she was loved. *sigh* shut up. I'd make a great dad. SO what if she would question everything I said. It would be her right. What were we talking about again? - GenLOCK ****1/2
This show is so good, also I totally heart Maisie William's character and she kicked ass this episode. And by kick ass, I mean she got to flex her techie muscles and gave them all upgrades. And made he suit shorter like she wanted... as well as unique. What did she say? It's her? And then made a weird thing with her fingers. Whatever, as long as she's being true to herself I love it. - Star Trek Discovery ****1/2
Great episode of the show this week. Possibly one of my favorite episodes of the season. Burnham commented on Spock's beard, so at least it's canon that the beard sucks. The plot reveals were fun though, and really propels the story in a fun and interesting direction. It's insane the show took this long to get us to this point. IN reality, it should be like episode 2 or 3 right now, but we decided to take our sweet ass time. Which I suppose is fine, as long as there's still plenty of time to continue to tell this story now and it isn't a rush to the finale. I have no idea if that's true. The old school intro was amazing. The Tyler thing is meh. I thought we were passed hating on him after last week, but nope. Don't they know it's the robot that's evil! Also with Section 31, when they grabbed Burnham and Spock with their teleporters, I would have shot at them. Forced them to raise shields, beamed my men aboard and raised my own. Then got the fuck out of there if need be, or talk him down and apologize if it's possible. But as Captain, my people come first. - Arrow ****1/2
Great episode this week. For once it seemed like Oliver might have actually learned something, or other. I liked that Wild dog's speech to Oliver about how to deal with hsi sister, actually seemed to help him figure out how to deal with Felicity, and how to respect HER agency. Really clever stuff, especially in that they didn't hit us over the head with it, but it was actually quite subtle. I was impressed. The action was great. And Adrian Paul, from Highlander (Duncan Mcload of the Clan Macload) was awesome. Are they setting him up to be the big bad? Cause I'd watch that. Where Diaz never felt formidable, because it's Diaz, Adrian Paul immediately feels formidable. He's the freaking Highlander! So cool, I want him to have a suit, I want him to have a bunch of awesome fights with Oliver. I haven't been this excited for a villain in a while. Even that dive off the balcony was impressive. - High Maintenance ****1/2
Good episode of a great show. I am starting to turn cold on this girlfriend though. He missed the fireworks because of him. She's ruining his cool. I found the relationship between the two gay spanish speaking dudes more adorable. Maybe that was the point. Like here's a heterosexual relationship that really isn't working out... and here's a homosexual one that is. - Brooklyn Nine Nine ****1/2
Fun episode this week. There was a strong focus on Amy, who is definitely one of my favourite characters so I really enjoyed it. She really gets a chance to grow as a character, and explore her past and her motivations. I really liked it. The complicated topic of female harassment was dealt with intelligence and subtlety. I enjoyed it. The B story with Holt and his old nemesis wasn't nearly as strong, but it all paid off at the end with the stick up and the guy can't even hear anything he's saying cause he's so old.
6x09: Another Amy focused story. Gotta love it. Also Lin Manuel Miranda as her brother was perfect. I passed out watching this episode, but that's nothing to do with the episode having any weakness. It was strong and fun, and I went back to rewatch what I'd missed. - Shameless ****
It was another good episode of Shameless this week. Nothing great, but even when the show is just average, that better than most other shows. I'm a little surprised at how fast Fiona is bouncing back, but it's nice to see. I also got a kick out of Liam's game, being gone for two days and no one noticing. Finally it's too bad Carl's ex isn't into Debbie. That kiss was hot. - Supergirl ****
Good episode of Supergirl with some great moments. I'd say the highlight was Manchester taking the Legion ring. I also liked Supergirl and Alex getting closer. And the tension between Supergirl and the White House is getting a little serious. I kinda want, okay now you guys are gonna scream pervert, but I was hoping Alex would try to kiss Supergirl. Cause Alex doesn't know she's her sister, all she knows is that the strongest most bad ass woman in the world keeps showing up at her apartment and treating her like SHE'S the most badass woman in the world. Alex has been talking about making moves to something real. I read more than just friend vibes from Alex as Supergirl walked away at the end there. - Star wars Resistance ****
Great episode of Star Wars Resistance this week. I loved the plan to sink the city. Shit has really hit the fan and they're fugitives on a platform that has always felt small. It was nice seeing their allies come to their aide, and I hope the pirates will come too. I know the one girl likes her, but I still totally ship Kaz with Torra. I really don't know why I spend so much time shipping animated characters and teens like on Deadly Class... Maybe there's something wrong with me. But I don't have time to worry about that now. This might have been the best episode yet, or one of them. Good stuff. - Saturday Night Live ****
Great episode of SNL this week, possibly best episode of the season. John Mulaney is an amazing guest, and you can tell when he hosts that he gives his time to the writing as well. Many of the sketches just screamed John Mulaney, and the few that didn't were largely forgettable. That toilet sketch was amazing. So many sketches, like that one, were completely absurd. This was the best week for just random absurdity. That Chad sketch was amazing. All that said, some of the sketches didn't land for me at all. Also I couldn't care less about the musical guest though. A little too much religion, and a little too much country is a hard no from me. - ➤ The Big Bang Theory ****
Really good episode this week. As Bernadette and Penny go on a work trip to cement themselves as successful women, the boys stay home and look after a baby. But Amy makes it fun for Sheldon with a book of baby experiments, and that was probably the best part of the episode. Especially with Lenard realizing his mother had been experimenting on him since childhood in much the same way. - Family Guy ***1/2
Good episode but nothing spectacular. Some funny random humour, just Family Guy being Family Guy. My favourite moments were from Brian's storyline, and him getting called out again and again and again. - Gotham ***
It was an alright episode of Gotham. They really shocked me with the ventrilliquist. I legitimately did not see that coming. Too bad they killed him in the same episode they created him. Same with Jane Doe, they introduced tons of iconic villains this episode only to make sure to ruin their origin forever. Thanks a lot Gotham. This episode would have scored much higher were it not for that. Penguin and Riddler was fun though. So at least there was that.
5x09: God damn this episode bored the shit out of me. And so close to the finale too. Admittedly I'm so bored of watching stuff, but I couldn't care less about Jim's stupid dream, and that time jump was so dumb and out of nowhere. Suddenly Jim is marryign Lee, who doesn't seem all that interested, and oh look Bruce is making out with Selena randomly. So weird and forced and out of nowhere. Ugh. Ridiculous. Worst episode of the season? Maybe, but it might just be me. - The Goldbergs ***
It was a fine episode of the Goldbergs this week. The plotline with the mom was tired and played out and there wasn't much to the Gleb storyline either. It wasn't particularly funny, nor did it seem to go anywhere. There were parts that made me laugh, some great laugh out loud moments, but the episode as a whole was middling. The individual moments of gold can't make up for the mediocre whole. - Riverdale **1/2
This episode was a total bore. The most interesting part was Jelly Bean's one line about coffee, and Josie's rendition of "We don't need another hero!" You're right, Riverdale, I would rather be watching a Mad Max movie right now. Veronica's storyline with her father continued to go nowhere and spin its wheels as usual. Nothing changes between them. Archie is a moron and hothead again for no reason and almost gets himself killed. Jughead meh. Couldn't care less about the Serpents. Oh and Betty's mom still continues to make no sense how insane they are all being. Ugh. This show.
3x14: And there was another episode, but I don't even feel like I need to write anymore, because like last episode this one too was a total bore. Rest in Peace though Luke Perry, that is a real fucking tragedy. And that's what should be talked about. Luke Perry was amazing, and starred in some great stuff. Personally, I loved him in the Buffy movie, and the J Micheal Strazinski show Jeremiah. Both excellent watches to get your Luke Perry fix.
Geekly Weekly Talk Show Showdown:
- ➤ Vice News Tonight ****
- Last Week Tonight ****
- Stephen Colbert ****
- This Hour has 22 Minutes ***
- James Corden *
- The Daily Show *
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